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Chicago via Dublin & Boston [ Part Two ]

Day 6 - Chicago Today was the day the Urban Sketchers worldwide symposium opened. I walked south passed some amazing old buildings such as Chicago Tribune and Wrigley Building - certainly creating the wow factor I'd been expecting. After registration (with 600 others I understand), I met up with friends from Europe and joined the afternoon sketch crawl around the Art Institute of Chicago - regretting early on the subject I had chosen of South Michigan Avenue! It took so long but kind of worked in the end, albeit having to return to complete it after the team photo.

Day 5 - Chicago

A quick sketch in the lobby of the hotel in which I stayed during my time in Boston before checking out - the Omni Parker House Hotel that I only recently realised is one of the oldest hotels in the US and had JFK, Charles Dickens and many others as guests in it's history. Caught the midday flight to Chicago and it certainly feels a very different city to Boston. Fortunately the weather is back on form and a walk down Ohio Street lead me to an urban beach - a perfect place for a hotdog, coca-cola, a sketch and chill time watching early evening beach life.

Day 4 - Boston After very nice weather over the weekend, today was a shocker even by the UK's standards - wet, cold and windy and it went on all day!

Started the 'Freedom Trail' but stayed this side of the river and managed instead to find two coffee shops with views of historic Bostonian architecture.

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