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  • Writer's picturesi newell

International sketching in Luxembourg


I learnt of the Luxembourg national sketch meet whilst sketching in Lille and after a bit of research I decided to go - a place I have never visited and was quite intrigued by, as a unique country in the middle of mainland Europe that I knew little about and didn't know quite what to expect.

Arriving on Friday night I took advantage of the free public transport by catching a bus into the city centre close by. Before checking into the hotel, I met many of the group who had arranged to meet at a cool bar in the city centre including the friendly organisers.


The next morning we met at the main base at Casino Luxembourg, a forum for contemporary art for the formal start of the weekend before moving on to our first sketch location nearby on a city centre hillside that enjoyed panoramic views over the city and valley below.

After completing a skyline image, I had a wander down into the valley passing through the historic yet very pristine streets. The geography of the city is perfect for sketching - so many vistas and hillside views!

In the evening we all met up once again at a bar close to the river for a review of the day and the chance to look at so many talented sketchers' sketchbooks followed by the official group photo.


After breakfast a return back in to the valley as the weather deteriorated. I managed to find a beautiful spot to sketch on a bridge overlooking the river - the only problem being the need to balance an umbrella to allow me to draw - not the most comfortable sketch I have ever done!

After a lunch with fellow sketchers sat under parasols next to the river, we returned to the city centre for a throw down before one last meet at the Casino. Everyone immensely enjoyed the weekend - a perfect size to meet new friends and with such friendly hosts.


The sketching event might have been over but a late flight home allowed me a few more hours to explore the city further and sketch. I couldn't resist attempting the elegant Plateau Bourbon that forms a gateway to contemporary part of the city.

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